
Revolutionize Team Brainstorming with Real-Time Collaboration

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How to run a brainstorming and ideation session

Brainstorming and ideation sessions are crucial for the success of any project, as they provide the team with the opportunity to generate new ideas, solve problems, and build upon each other's thoughts. However, brainstorming can also become chaotic, unproductive, and lead to frustration if not properly managed. To help you run an effective brainstorming session, we've put together this guide that covers everything from preparation to implementation.


  1. Set a Clear Objective
    The first step in running an effective brainstorming session is to define the purpose of the meeting. This helps to keep everyone focused and ensures that the session stays on track. It also provides the team with a clear understanding of what they should be working towards, which helps to minimize the risk of deviating from the topic. When setting the objective, consider what problem you are trying to solve, what opportunities you are trying to explore, and what outcomes you want to achieve.
  2. Gather the Right Participants
    The next step is to invite the right people to the brainstorming session. Ensure that everyone who is involved in the project or has relevant knowledge is invited, as this will ensure that the session is productive and everyone has an opportunity to contribute. If you have team members who are unable to attend in person, consider using video conferencing or other communication tools to include them in the session.
  3. Create a Favorable Environment
    A conducive environment is key to an effective brainstorming session. The room should be comfortable, well-lit, and free from distractions. Avoid over-crowding the space, as this can lead to a sense of discomfort and reduced creativity. If possible, choose a location that is inspiring and allows the team to focus on the task at hand.
  4. Encourage Participation
    When running the session, it is important to encourage everyone to participate, even those who may be quieter or more introverted. Encourage them to share their ideas, no matter how unconventional they may seem. One way to do this is by using techniques like round-robin brainstorming, where each person is given a set amount of time to share their ideas, or using anonymous suggestion boxes to encourage everyone to share their thoughts.
  5. Manage the Flow of the Session
    It is important to manage the flow of the session effectively to keep everyone engaged and on track. This allows everyone to see the progress being made and keeps the session moving forward. Additionally, consider using a facilitator who can help to manage the session, keep everyone focused, and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate and share their ideas.
  6. Evaluate and Refine Ideas
    Once the session has ended, it is important to evaluate and refine the ideas that have been generated. with Swift Board you can have the team members vote on the most promising ideas, or engage in group discussions to refine and build upon the concepts. This process helps to ensure that the best ideas are taken forward and that everyone is in agreement on the next steps.
  7. Document and Follow-up
    The final step is to create an action items column within the board. Swift Board makes this easy by letting you order ideas by the number of votes so you can create action items based on the team's feedback. Additionally, consider scheduling follow-up sessions to ensure that progress is being made and to address any challenges that may arise.

In conclusion, running an effective brainstorming session requires preparation, facilitation, and follow-up. By following these steps, you can ensure that your team is productive, engaged, and that the best ideas are generated.

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